Inflation and Commerce Marketing Report 2024: How to Reduce Costs and Drive Profitability

In the face of ongoing economic challenges and margin compressions, sustaining and expanding market share requires strategic advertising investments from multichannel brands.
How well is your brand adapting its digital marketing strategies to meet the evolving consumer and market trends in 2024, to drive profitable commerce growth? Explore our guide to find out:


  1. How inflation is shaping consumer behavior in the US and Europe
  2. Key commerce developments in Consumer Electronics, Grocery, Alcohol, Beauty & Personal Care, Toy, and Pet Care sectors
  3. Digitally influenced shopping trends and best practices to leverage "Commerce Intelligence"
With contributions by Profitero
NOTE: MikMak is offering this report in collaboration with Profitero. By submitting the form to download the report, you consent to the use of your information according to the Privacy Policies of MikMak and Profitero.