'Tis the Season for Driving Profitability

The 2024 holiday season presents a unique challenge for multichannel brands amid economic uncertainty and evolving consumer behaviors. To thrive, brands must strategically balance their media investments, leverage first-party data, and stay ahead of the latest trends in eCommerce.
In this guide, you'll uncover:
  1. How to ensure your marketing and media strategies are optimized to convert holiday shoppers effectively
  2. Strategies to drive profitability while optimizing your spending with actionable consumer, competitor, and retailer insights
  3. Best practices for preparing your brand for 2025 by staying informed on the latest eCommerce marketing trends and regulatory changes
Equip your brand with the tools and knowledge to navigate the holiday season successfully and set the stage for long-term growth.


'Tis the Season for Driving Profitability, Shoppable Media, MikMak 2024 Holiday Guide Cover Dark Green Holiday Patterns